Let me worry about that!

Today’s blog post looks at a really undervalued aspects of a lawyer’s role – giving a client peace of mind. I started thinking about this a lot last week after I got some interesting feedback from a client. I’ll come onto that shortly but first I’ll start with an old joke that my Dad used to tell (all credit to Ken Maclean!).


Sarah had hit a difficult spot in her life and couldn’t stop worrying about every little thing. One day she had enough and hit the local pub to drown her sorrows. As she sat at the bar, a mysterious man came and sat next to her.

“Good evening! I’m Mr Smith and I’m a Professional Worrier. You look like you could really use my help”, said the man as he took a seat.

Sarah was intrigued and told him her woes. Mr Smith responded: “Well Sarah, if you hire me you won’t have to worry about anything again. I’ll do it all for you! It’s that easy. And it will only cost you £5,000 per month”.

“How much?! How can I possibly afford that?” Sarah asked, desperately.

Without hesitation, Mr Smith responded: “Let me worry about that.”


Great joke aside, lawyers offer in many ways what Mr Smith does - a (hopefully more affordable!) professional worrier service.  

Back to my client story. She had an ongoing dispute which was causing her business substantial losses. After trying to deal with it herself, she got in contact with me to get some advice on the best way forward. We had a chat for about an hour and in that discussion we put in place a strategy to deal with the problem, and we set out some clear actions steps to follow.

A few days later we spoke again. She sounded a lot less stressed and told me that after our chat it was the first night in many months that she had a proper night’s sleep! She felt overwhelming relief. What fantastic news to hear from someone! She didn’t need pills, or counselling, or some weird and wonderful new health regime. What she got from our call was peace of mind. She knew that there was a way out and she was reassured that the matter was being dealt with properly, so she could take that worry off her plate.

That chat really solidified why I started SLL in the first place – it isn’t just about helping businesses to navigate legal issues effectively; it’s also about helping the people running those businesses to feel better!

So, if you have a tricky legal issue or worry hanging over you, don’t suffer in silence and hope it will go away. I offer a straightforward and affordable fixed fee Legal Advice service where we can have a chat about your legal issue and make a clear plan to tackle it.  There is no need for reams of paperwork or formal instructions – I strive to make it as easy as possible to get a helping hand when you really need it.

The take home point is - don’t let legal issues (literally) keep you up at night; give me a call and ‘let me worry about that!’

(Sadly, I am not convinced this will stick as a catchphrase but it is worth a try…).


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